Category: Evil Eye
Shahmaran: A Legend in The Under Glass Art
Shahmaran is a fantastic creature with significant importance in Middle Eastern mythology and folk tales. This legend is commonly narrated in the Turkish, Kurdish, Arab, and Mesopotamian regions. Though there are various versions of the Shahmaran story among different communities, its core elements remain mostly the same. The name “Shahmaran” is derived from the words…
¿Que es el Ojo Turco?
¿Qué es el mal de ojo y cómo protegerse? Amuletos con el ojo turco de la buena suerte Las primeras referencias escritas al mal de ojo aparecen en las tablillas de arcilla sumerias que datan del tercer milenio antes de Cristo. También se descubrieron granos de ágata de calidad excepcional, utilizados para proteger al portador…
What does the evil eye symbolize?
The History of the Evil Eye, an Ancient Symbol of Protection. The belief in the evil eye is a phenomenon that dates back to ancient times, and it is still prevalent in many cultures and regions around the world today. It is believed to be a curse or harmful energy that is directed at a…
Hamsa Meaning and History
The Hamsa, also known as the Hand of Fatima, holds significant meaning in Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. It is a talismanic symbol that is believed to protect individuals from evil forces and bring them various forms of goodness, abundance, fertility, luck, and good health. The Hamsa Hand, or Hand of Fatima, has its roots in…
Good Luck Symbols From Around The World.
Good luck symbols and charms have been used for centuries in different cultures around the world. These symbols are believed to bring good fortune, protect against evil, and ward off negative energies. Here, we will explore some of the most popular good luck symbols and charms across countries and cultures. Four-Leaf Clover: The four-leaf clover…
Evil eye necklace found inside a 2,400-year-old burial mound in Siberia
Archaeologists have discovered an extraordinary evil eye necklace made of brightly-colored glass jewelry believed to be from Ancient Egypt, inside a 2,400-year-old burial mound in Siberia. The evil eye necklace, consisting of 17 identical glass eye beads executed in the millefiori technique, was found in a ‘princess’ burial in the Altai Mountains region of Russia….
Evil Eye Beads. History Belief and Tradition.
A Traditional protective amulet that is believed to ward off the evil eye and protect the wearer from harm. The Evil Eye beads, also known as “Nazar Boncuk” in Turkish, is a traditional protective amulet that is believed to ward off the evil eye and protect the wearer from harm. It is a popular symbol…